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Family Announcements
2024 Season Information and Fundraising Requirements
Parents and Players:
Welcome to the 2024 football season!! Please review the information below
regarding important dates and fundraising requirements for the season. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to working together for a successful season!!! #GOSPARTANS
8/4/24- Team Pool Party!! 7-9pm Kingston Pool (all teams)
8/18/24- Pictures (all teams) 11:30 @ the Stadium
9/27/24- Senior Night (forms will be sent home with Senior player 2 weeks prior)
10/4/24- Homecoming
2/1/25- Football Banquet (Mohegan)- 1-5pm (reservations will be required to attend, more information to come)
Concession Stand:
Please arrive by 5:30pm- *must work entire game and cleanup* (if we have enough parent participation there is a possibility of only needing to work ½ game and switch out workers at half time, this will be determined by the board prior to game start based on how many parents sign in)
9/6/24- 7 th grade parents
9/13/24- 8 th grade parents
9/27/24- 9 th grade parents
10/4/24- 10 th grade parents
10/12/24- 11 th grade parents *Saturday game- arrival time TBA depending on game start* please see group me app or FB page for update
When you arrive for your stand duty there will be a sign in sheet posted in the main stand. Please make sure you sign in so your player gets credit. Stand duty is REQUIRED to receive full credit for fundraising. *If you are unable to work your players scheduled date you can switch with another parent from a different grade or have someone 18yrs or older work in your place. Please reach out to Megan 570-592-7911 with any questions and we will work with you as much as possible.
Based on parent and player feedback we are going to try a different approach to fundraising this season. We WILL not be selling discount cards this year. However, we hope we will have increased participation with fundraisers chosen��
Calendar Fundraiser:
Each player will receive a calendar for the month of September to get donations (each date represents the amount to donate). Players MUST sell a minimum of $100 to get credit, however any player who fills the calendar will be entered into a drawing for a $300 gift card of their choosing! Blast: This is a unique way to have friends, relatives and neighbors support the team and individual players by making a donation online and then being able to track the players and teams progress throughout the season with game and player updates!! (Coaching staff will be distributing information for this fundraiser)
Gerrity’s Bagging Fundraiser:
Coaches will have sign up sheets for players
Gatorade Donation – Each player will be required to donate 1 case (20oz bottles only) to the stand prior to the start of the season. Dates and times will be posted for drop off (Players will not receive full credit for fundraising if not completed)
Any player who prefers not to participate in fundraising can do a buyout option or obtain a business donation of $300 from a local business or website.
Please contact a board member for more information.
** You are still required to work the stand**
Gridiron Meetings are held @ Murphys Pub in Swoyersville @7pm
Jan-June- 2nd Wed of the month
July-December- Every Other week (Wed)
*all meeting dates are posted in GroupME app and on our FB page*
Board Members 2024 Season​
President - Megan Meyers - 570-592-7911
Vice President - Tonya McGelligot - 570-301-9286
Treasurer - Lee Corbett
Secretary - Stacey Ruddy
Sergeant at Arms - Melissa Bennett
Board Members 2024 Season​
President - Megan Meyers
Vice President - Tonya McGelligot
Treasurer - Lee Corbett
Secretary - Stacey Ruddy
Sergeant at Arms - Melissa Bennett
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